Brand New From Sheldon Peters

"New Book Reveals How To Create Predictable Real Estate Monthly Income" 

...Even if you have no credit or investment capital

Sheldon Peters

From the desk of Sheldon Peters,

Saddle Brook, New Jersey. 

Dear Friend, 

If you want to start earning $20,000 per month or more as a real estate investor, this will be the most important book you'll ever read.

But first, let me keep it real with you.

Please understand my results I'm sharing with you are not typical. I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter).

I have the benefit of being a real estate investor for 14 years, and as a result developed methods, skills and systems over time.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you…

Exactly What You're Getting

This is dramatically different from anything you've ever read because it's more of a "mini course" that gives you exact instructions on doing deals than an actual "book".

 There's no fluff or filler. It immediately gets down to brass tacks, showing you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why.  

Plus, it's easy to read.  

At just 89 pages, you can read it in an afternoon.    

And you'll immediately "get" the entire methodology I personally used to run a massively successful real estate investing business where 95% of the business is on autopilot

Here's just a fraction of what's inside and what it might mean for you:

  • The more you spend on marketing the more deals you’ll get right?. WRONG!  (See page 11.)

  • What to never do when looking for deals and why... (If you get this wrong, motivated sellers will run away from you and you’ll be stuck with bad deals).

    You'll get a crystal clear understanding of this on page 54.

  • Always use an investor friendly title company to close your deals.

    This makes sure you get paid and the deal doesn’t fall apart at the last minute

  • 79% of the things you’re doing to grow your business is a complete waste of time. (Learn what are the things you should be doing to scale your business to the moon)

  •  Do 15 more deals this year from this one, mostly overlooked source of deals. This will give you an edge over most investors and will make sure you always have an abundance of motivated leads

  • Use this method to drastically decrease your cost per deal. You give me 15 minutes and I’ll show you how to reduce your marketing spend by 85% while doing more deals.

  • If you’re using credit or cash to make money in real estate…here’s why you can be potentially digging your financial grave…Do this instead 

  • The truth about negotiating deals and talking to sellers- and chances are, you got this all wrong

  • The single most effective way to grow your real estate business in today’s market.  It’s simple to implement and will put you miles ahead of your competition

  •  How to run a wildly profitable real estate business while working less than 10 hours a week. This allows you to keep your day job and to leverage your time to the fullest.

It's Time The Crank Up The Deal Machine

I leave no stone unturned. This book is jammed packed with several deal getting strategies.

We're really cranking up the deal machine. You can say goodbye to worries of not having sellers to talk to... and houses to make offers on.

Plus you'll also discover …

  • The five little known ways to find hidden off market deals on autopilot with zero marketing budget. Implementing just one or two of these strategies can take your business to the next level

    (Page 9).

  • The sneaky ways to ensure you have a virtually unlimited marketing budget for your deals. Even if you’re currently dead broke

  • Better than flipping houses. Discover real estate investing strategies that gets you paid in 30 days or less. No contractors, no banks, no credit, no “picky buyers” to deal with

    (See page 13)

  • The real estate market has changed in recent months. Learn how to thrive in this new economy. revealed on page 17.

  • What the real estate “gurus” are not telling you about becoming successful in real estate investing (Starting on page 19.)

Now You Can "Side Step" Common Pitfalls

When it comes to real estate investing, you've probably stub your toe several times. I know I have when I was starting out.

We'll delve into the things that can take away from your success as a real estate investor

Plus, I reveal ...

  • What never to do when analyzing deals (Hint: over 90% of investors do this). It's revealed on page 53.

  • Do you struggle to follow up with seller leads? Use this system to automate 95% of your follow up. page 40.

  • The reason why the marketing tactics you’ve been thought by the real estate "gurus" are not working. This is important to know if you want to stop spinning your wheels

  • The secrets of referral marketing and how to use it to create a full time real estate income… learn how to set it and forget it

    (Page 50.)

  • Are you looking for ways to find off market deals that other investor don’t know about?

But it's just the tip of the iceberg because you're also getting …

2 Bonuses Just Added (Limited Time)

I Know you'll LOVE these...

You see, I want you to have everything you need to get results right away ...and I didn't want you starting from scratch when it comes to marketing and paperwork.

So once you're ready to implement what you've learned in the book, then use: 

My Contracts We Used for Hundreds of Deals: These bullet proof contracts will always make sure you're making the most money on each deal.

They'll also keep you out of hot water. My team and I took many years and spent tens of thousands so we can tweak these to use in our business. You won't have to go through that.

Our 7 Figure Marketing Pieces: everything we use in direct mail, from postcards to letters. Just swipe our marketing pieces and put in your name and contact info and you're ready to roll!

Some of my colleagues think that I've lost my mind to do this.

...Honestly I don't know how long I'll offer these bonuses, we actually use this in our business every day.

But in the meantime you have the advantage of getting these as part of my "insane" offer.

Here's What To Do Next

The "cost" of this book is $7, and you get it instantly as a PDF download. 

Why $7?   

  Well, I was thinking about mailing out physical copies. The printing, postage and padded envelope cost exactly $7.

About 6% of books shipped out are getting lost in the mail. And some of them are taking nearly three weeks to arrive!

I figured you'd prefer get the book immediately, rather than having to wait a couple of weeks.

As soon as you place your order today, you'll be sent a email receipt with the download link where you can get it.

From there you can download the book and read it.

You can access your book anywhere, instantly, without having to wait for the post office to get it to you!

Oh, and in case you're wondering ...

There's No Catch

I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try ...or anything even remotely like that.

I'm giving you this entire book at cost, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

With that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Time Is Of The Essence.

Here's why.

I take a loss by selling you this book at this price.

The reason why is because it costs me $33.04 in advertising costs to sell one book.

So why would I do that?


I want to create a great impression on you so that one day you might do business with me again.

Yes, I have other products and services that you might be interested in.

I’m hedging my bets that you’ll enjoy the book so much, you’ll ask to try other trainings and services I offer. Pretty straight forward really.

Oh - one more thing.

You Really ARE Getting This Book For $7

But you need to order now.

However, if I can't make the numbers work for this test, I may pull the book down and raise the price… so you need to claim your copy now.

If I pull the offer down, that's all she wrote.

And by the way, even though you're paying a ridiculously low price - you're still protected by …

My Ironclad Guarantee!

I 100% Guarantee you'll love this book and the new video training or I'll return your $7 and let you keep the book and the bonuses anyway.

Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your $7 with no questions asked.

How's that for fair?

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before They're All Gone

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Sheldon Peters

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm giving you a 89 page book that outlines the exact system I've used to run a massively successful real estate investing business where 95% of the business is on autopilot.

All you pay is a measly $7.

(That's the exact price it would cost if I were to print up a physical copy, stuff it in a padded envelope and then mail it out to you.)

***** I'm also giving you the marketing pieces and contracts we use to bring in 6-10 deals every single month.

These bonuses not only shows you WHAT we use gives you examples on how to deploy them for YOUR business ...starting right now.

I'm giving it to you as a gift because I want you to implement what you learn in the book immediately.

This is a very limited offer because I'm running a marketing test. If I'm not able to at least break even on my advertising costs, then I'll put this offer down.

There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

In fact, if you don't like the book let me know and I'll even give you back your $7.

Click here and claim your book and the masterclass now. You won't regret it.


The sales figures stated above are our internal sales figures. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.

This site or product is not part of or endorsed by Facebook, Google, or any social media platform in any way.

FACEBOOK is a trademark of META PLATFORMS, Inc. YOUTUBE and GOOGLE are trademarks of ALPHABET, Inc.

Absolutely nothing on this web page should be considered as any type of earnings claim for what you will earn simply by joining.

These products, ONLINE TRAINING COURSES, SOFTWARE and TOOLS are intended to help BUSINESS OWNERS and ADVERTISERS learn how to get more customers for their products. It is NOT a “business opportunity” or “get rich quick” opportunity.

The testimonials, figures, and screenshots on this page are real but they are displaying exceptional results from our best customers. These results are not typical. They are not intended to guarantee, promise or represent that you will get the same result just by signing up.

This will require work and you will be the ultimate person responsible for taking action and making sure you get the results that you want.

Copyright 2024 - SP Publishing, Inc - 80 West 250 Pelphe Ave Suite 200 Saddle Brook NJ 07663

 All Rights Reserved